Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

==Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta - Kere Munggah Bale

This afternoon Kang Tiyas decided to "fly" to the Herald the Yogyakarta Culture, there had the exhibition of the painting with the theme of the "Beggar Munggah Bale". That made Tiyas bingun or confused to be words "bale" this, bale could mean sorts, definitely depended our interpretation was their respective, whereas the "beggar's" same words could be significant macem-macem, nah than us was very confused to discuss the definition of this "Bale Kere", better let's enjoyed together - was the same the work of friends of our artist that wwwwueehhhh... are beautiful - beautiful gitu.






Sore ini Kang Tiyas memutuskan untuk "terbang" ke Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, disana ada pameran lukisan dengan tema "Kere Munggah Bale".
Yang membuat Tiyas bingun atau bingung adalah kata "bale" tersebut, bale bisa berarti macam-macam, tentunya tergantung penafsiran kita masing-masing, sedangkan kata "kere" itu juga bisa berarti macem-macem, nah daripada kita bingung-bingung membahas definisi "Bale Kere" tersebut, lebih baik marilah kita nikmati bersama - sama hasil karya teman-teman seniman kita yang wwwwueehhhh... pada indah - indah gitu.

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