Japan - Indonesian Golden Year of Friendship
Memorial Dance Concert
Bimo and Dinyos
20 Oktober 2008, 19.30 wib
Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
Mas Tiyas could only comment very great the artists and the dance artist from this Japan. Mas Tiyas be toucheded and was quivering his body after the artists and this Japanese artist carried out his task and said goodbye to the audiences that most of the Yogyakarta. They danced, berkesenian totally by combining the gift composed the feeling of the desire that was bestowed by the Lord on them. They danced with "genius","cerdas", "clever", something that was had by the Indonesian nation in the past that now possibly must be thought about by us together again (? ). But we were still lucky because of "Japan -" this "Indonesian Golden Year of Friendship" happened also because of collaboration between the artist/the artist from Japan and from Indonesia, evidently was proven by the artists Indonesian -pun could match artist-artist from this Japan.
At this time we are still stirred up with what "parnografi", "pornography" or "purnagrafi", words that possibly in fact was not known by us meaning that, we were busy discussing these unclear words, until us as the artist and the artist forgot with our task as "empu" that gave enlightenment to the community round us.
Possibly had the friend - our friend that the fear if later had the ban that banned the friend - our friend to show "wudel" or the "navel" in carrying out his art expression, really really was regretted, because if we only thought like that really really was regretted, we to forgot that the success created or berekspresi or berkesenian aesthetics and the awareness sensitifitas that was not determined by "wudel" or this "navel" but was determined by the gift that was given by the Lord to us that is "cipta","karsa" and the "feeling", his simple language that is "uteg" (bhs Java) or the "brain". The brain to became "blunt", "composed the feeling desire" to retreated because this "equipment had" not "been" used "by" us" in creating, berekspresi and explored, really very sad.
Let's read together the opinion from < strong > Leo Tolstoy < /strong > identified art the USA an use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another.Leo Tolstoy stressed the importance of "relations" between the side that one and that was other, how could we communicate with each other with the other side. We could also read together the opinion from Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood advanced the idealist view that art expresses emotions, and that the work of art therefore essentially exists in the mind of the creator (Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood promoted the view of the idealist that art revealed emotions, and that the work of art because of that essentially was in thoughts of the creator), he stressed that < strong > the work of art was dipikiran the creator < /strong >, in other words "processed thought" from the artist was very very important.
The artists and the artist from Japan as well as the Indonesian artist that berkolaborasi with these Japanese dancers could serve the dance work of art that was great, beautiful and moving without must show "wudel" or their "navel". They danced with the spirit berkesenian they who were very smart and sophisticated results of processed thought these artists of the dance artist, I became not surprised why this Japanese nation became the nation that advanced and was counted on didunia International because they always processed their thoughts cleverly and cleverly.
We not want to like them? , didn't we want to go up like them? , the only road to be us must "compete", "competed", "disputed" with the culture - this world culture that we also become the nation that advanced, how according to your opinion? Was discussed by us together. Return Bangsa Indonesia as the big Nation and was respected. Not only became the "pen champion". !!!
Indonesian Language :
Mas Tiyas hanya bisa berkomentar hebat sekali para seniman dan seniwati tari dari Jepang tersebut.
Mas Tiyas terharu dan bergetar tubuhnya setelah para seniman dan seniwati Jepang tersebut telah melaksanakan tugasnya dan pamit kepada para hadirin yang kebanyakan dari Yogyakarta. Mereka menari, berkesenian secara total dengan memadukan karunia cipta rasa karsa yang dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada mereka. Mereka menari dengan "genius","cerdas", "pinter", sesuatu yang telah dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia pada masa lalu yang sekarang mungkin harus kita pikirkan bersama lagi (?). Tapi kita masih beruntung karena "Japan - Indonesian Golden Year of Friendship" tersebut terjadi juga karena kolaborasi antara seniman/seniwati dari Jepang dan dari Indonesia, ternyata terbukti para seniman Indonesiapun bisa mengimbangi para seniman-seniwati dari Jepang tersebut.
Saat ini kita lagi disibukkan dengan apa itu "parnografi", "pornografi" atau "purnagrafi", kata-kata yang mungkin sebenarnya tidak kita ketahui artinya, kita sibuk membahas kata-kata yang tidak jelas tersebut, sampai kita sebagai seniman dan seniwati lupa dengan tugas kita sebagai "empu" yang memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat disekeliling kita.
Mungkin ada teman - teman kita yang ketakutan kalau nanti ada larangan yang melarang teman - teman kita untuk memperlihatkan "wudel" atau "pusar" dalam melakukan ekspresi seninya, sungguh sangat disayangkan, karena kalau kita hanya berfikir seperti itu sungguh sangat disayangkan, kita menjadi lupa bahwa keberhasilan berkreasi atau berekspresi atau berkesenian estetika dan kesadaran sensitifitas itu tidak ditentukan oleh "wudel" atau "pusar" tersebut tapi ditentukan oleh karunia yang diberikan Tuhan kepada kita yaitu "cipta","karsa" dan "rasa", bahasa sederhananya yaitu "uteg" (bhs jawa) atau "otak". Otak menjadi menjadi "tumpul", "cipta karsa rasa" menjadi mundur karena "peralatan" tersebut tidak pernah kita gunakan dalam berkreasi, berekspresi dan bereksplorasi, sungguh sangat menyedihkan.
Marilah kita baca bersama pendapat dari Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another.Leo Tolstoy menekankan pentingnya "hubungan" antara pihak yang satu dengan yang lain, bagaimana kita bisa saling berkomunikasi dengan pihak yang lain.
Kita juga bisa membaca bersama pendapat dari Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood advanced the idealist view that art expresses emotions, and that the work of art therefore essentially exists in the mind of the creator ( Benedetto Croce dan R.G. Collingwood memajukan pandangan idealis bahwa seni mengungkapkan emosi, dan bahwa karya seni oleh karena itu pada hakekatnya ada di pikiran pencipta ), beliau menekankan bahwa "karya seni ada dipikiran pencipta", dengan kata lain "olah pikir" dari seniman itu sangat penting sekali.
Para seniman dan seniwati dari Jepang serta seniman Indonesia yang berkolaborasi dengan para penari Jepang tersebut bisa menyuguhkan karya seni tari yang hebat, indah dan menggetarkan tanpa harus memperlihatkan "wudel" atau "pusar" mereka. Mereka menari dengan semangat berkesenian mereka yang sangat cerdas dan canggih hasil dari olah pikir para seniman seniwati tari tersebut, saya jadi tidak heran kenapa bangsa Jepang tersebut menjadi bangsa yang maju dan diperhitungkan didunia Internasional karena mereka selalu mengolah pikiran mereka dengan cerdik dan cerdas.
Apakah kita tidak ingin seperti mereka ?, apakah kita tidak ingin maju seperti mereka ?, jalan satu-satunya adalah kita harus "berkompetisi", "bertanding", "bertarung" dengan budaya - budaya dunia tersebut supaya kita juga menjadi bangsa yang maju, bagaimana menurut pendapat anda ? ayo kita bahas bersama.
Kembalikan Bangsa Indonesia sebagai Bangsa yang besar dan disegani.
Jangan hanya menjadi "jago kandang". !!!
English :
Mas Tiyas could only comment very great the artists and the dance artist from this Japan. Mas Tiyas be toucheded and was quivering his body after the artists and this Japanese artist carried out his task and said goodbye to the audiences that most of the Yogyakarta. They danced, berkesenian totally by combining the gift composed the feeling of the desire that was bestowed by the Lord on them. They danced with "genius","cerdas", "clever", something that was had by the Indonesian nation in the past that now possibly must be thought about by us together again (? ). But we were still lucky because of "Japan -" this "Indonesian Golden Year of Friendship" happened also because of collaboration between the artist/the artist from Japan and from Indonesia, evidently was proven by the artists Indonesian -pun could match artist-artist from this Japan.
At this time we are still stirred up with what "parnografi", "pornography" or "purnagrafi", words that possibly in fact was not known by us meaning that, we were busy discussing these unclear words, until us as the artist and the artist forgot with our task as "empu" that gave enlightenment to the community round us.
Possibly had the friend - our friend that the fear if later had the ban that banned the friend - our friend to show "wudel" or the "navel" in carrying out his art expression, really really was regretted, because if we only thought like that really really was regretted, we to forgot that the success created or berekspresi or berkesenian aesthetics and the awareness sensitifitas that was not determined by "wudel" or this "navel" but was determined by the gift that was given by the Lord to us that is "cipta","karsa" and the "feeling", his simple language that is "uteg" (bhs Java) or the "brain". The brain to became "blunt", "composed the feeling desire" to retreated because this "equipment had" not "been" used "by" us" in creating, berekspresi and explored, really very sad.
Let's read together the opinion from < strong > Leo Tolstoy < /strong > identified art the USA an use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another.Leo Tolstoy stressed the importance of "relations" between the side that one and that was other, how could we communicate with each other with the other side. We could also read together the opinion from Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood advanced the idealist view that art expresses emotions, and that the work of art therefore essentially exists in the mind of the creator (Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood promoted the view of the idealist that art revealed emotions, and that the work of art because of that essentially was in thoughts of the creator), he stressed that < strong > the work of art was dipikiran the creator < /strong >, in other words "processed thought" from the artist was very very important.
The artists and the artist from Japan as well as the Indonesian artist that berkolaborasi with these Japanese dancers could serve the dance work of art that was great, beautiful and moving without must show "wudel" or their "navel". They danced with the spirit berkesenian they who were very smart and sophisticated results of processed thought these artists of the dance artist, I became not surprised why this Japanese nation became the nation that advanced and was counted on didunia International because they always processed their thoughts cleverly and cleverly.
We not want to like them? , didn't we want to go up like them? , the only road to be us must "compete", "competed", "disputed" with the culture - this world culture that we also become the nation that advanced, how according to your opinion? Was discussed by us together. Return Bangsa Indonesia as the big Nation and was respected. Not only became the "pen champion". !!!